Sure, it's supposed to be too early and lots can and will happen to change the dynamics but the rich field of candidates should excite everyone. I mentioned Obama previously but I'm also excited about Bill Richardson and John Edwards will hopefully do well. He was saddled by Kerry's lack of clear insight last time, and his own inexperience against Cheney, but may now have the maturity needed. I would still go with Richardson, the most experienced in the field.
As for Clinton, I know she's the fave, but frankly she's been all over the map re the War. She has many fine qualities, not least of which of first really formidable female candidate, but that's not enough. Ultimately I doubt she will prevail, she just dooesn't have that comfort zone personality voters lean toward.
The depth of the field, adding Joe Biden, is awesome. Biden is definitely a class act but I don't think he can go all the way. But the dialog ought to be the best we've ever had in an election cycle.
I hate to say it, but maybe we needed Bush to bottom out so we could wake up and pay attention. I thought I was going to throw a heavy object at the television when in his state of union address he said we had to get the deficit under control. You mean the deficit you created? That reminded me of the definition of chutzpah - a guy kills his parents then asks the court for mercy because he's an orphan.
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